Wednesday 21 December 2011


This is a rough idea of our script for our trailer. Again we realise when filming things don't always work out, so this is just basic and leaves room for improvisation and alterations.

Scene 1:

(Soft, classical music begins)

Alex: Here she is, my beautiful wife 

(walks in to film Alice putting up decorations)

Alice: laughs Hello you

Alex: What are you doing?

Alice: Decorating our first Christmas tree! You can help if you like!

Alex: All right then...

(Puts camera down and closely helps Alice)

Black screen reads "The perfect Christmas"
Scene 2:

Alex: There you are, been looking for you

Alice: Here I am

Alex: You're so talented, you really should show these to someone.

Alice: laughs I'm not that good, it's just a hobby, it'll never take me anywhere

Alex: You can go anywhere you want

Alice: You're too sweet

(phone rings)

Alice: Hello?

Doctor: Hello, Mrs Brookes?

Alice: Yes?

Black screen reads - "The worst New Year"
Doctor: I'm afraid I have some bad news concerning your husband.

Scene 3:

Alice breaks down at the hospital

Scene 4:

Katrina: Can I get you anything?

Alice: No

Katrina: You need to eat

Alice: What for?

Katrina: I'll make you some soup. Your answer machine is flashing.

Alice: I know

Scene 4:


Scene 5:

Katrina: Come on you need to get out, this isn't healthy. Have you still not listened to your messages?

(Presses answer machine)

Answer phone: First new message; "Hi Mr Brookes it's Jodie from Elizabeth Andrews. I've looked at your wife's designs and they are wonderful, I was wondering if yourself or Mrs Brookes could give me a call back."

Second new message: "Hi it's Jasmine, just wondered how you were doing, hope you're ok, bye."

Third new message: "Hello again it's Jodie from Elizabeth Andrews. I haven't received a call back but we really are interested in Mrs Brookes work. We are holding a business lunch on the 12th of January, it's at 2pm at The George, Whittlesey, I do hope you can make it."

(Alice runs upstairs and lays in bed)

Scene 6:

Alice looks at her sketches and see's a post-it saying "Do it, you deserve it. I'll love you until the end."

Katrina: He's right

(Katrina leaves the room)

Scene 7:

Voice Over: From the makers of Lola Gray, comes a story...
Alice gets ready for the meeting at last minute

Voice Over: Of love and devotion

Scene 8:

Voice Over: Of tragedy and survival

Alice smiling, shaking someones hand

Voice Over: Starring Alex Suchoruczka, Alice Cutts and Katraina Esrythee

Clips of actors

Black screen reads - Until the end
Alex: I'll love you untill the end.

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