Wednesday 21 December 2011


We asked 20 people the following set of questions. We asked 10 males and 10 females, though our target audience are females. Usually it is best to avoid open-ended questions, however in order to gain real, honest, clear feedback we decided to use a few open-ended questions. We wanted clearcut opinions which we can use to tailor our trailer our focus audience.

Question 1. Are you:

Male      Female


We recognise that romantic films are not as suited to males as they are females, due to gender differences, however we feel it would be wrong to eliminate males from the equation completely as it is down to individual taste.  Opinions and preferences can be determined by the gender of the person because of the different ways in which males and females are treated; males are brought up to be very masculine and females are brought up to be very feminine. Men tend to have bravado; they have to appear brave for the approval of people. Females tend to be more vulnerable and sometimes like to appear slightly weaker than males. These aspects influence opinions.

Question 2.

What age range do you fit into?

13 and under     14-18      19-24      25-30      31+

In order to make sure we can understand why different people have different opinions, we controlled the number of people we asked from each age range. We asked 4 people from each age range.

Question 3.

What do you think makes a good film?

Peoples opinions: 
Strong story
Good actors
Good directing
Must look high-quality even if it’s low budget
Element of humour
Good vs. bad
Epic parts
Good acting
Follows conventions of the genre
Something which captivates the audience
Questions to be answered

This gives us a lot of elements to consider with regards to the plot of our film.  We have to plan the idea for a whole film in order to produce a trailer for it but as we aren't making a feature length film our ideas can be more vague in places. 

Question 4.
What do you expect from a film trailer?

Clips from the film
Clips of good scenes
Background information
The plot to not be given away
Memorable lines

These are things we will need to consider in order to make our trailer fit our target audience.
Question 5.

On a scale of 1 - 5, 1 being has little importance, 5 meaning is very important, how important is a film trailer to you in the process of deciding to watch a film?

This clearly shows that the trailer plays a big part in the advertisement of a film. This means our trailer has to have a big impact.
Question 6.

What is your favourite romance film?

P.S I Love You
The Titanic
The Notebook
Gone With The Wind
Mamma Mia
Romeo and Juliet
(500) Days of Summer
Remember Me
Moulin Rouge
Love Actually
The Time Traveller's Wife

By asking this we can look at the features and conventions of these films, and look at what makes them special.

Question 7.

Why is this your favourite romance film?

Liked the actors
Can relate to issues
Good story line
Had action as well as romance - not confined to one genre
Happy Ending

Again, this tells us what makes the films special so we can use similar conventions.

Question 8.

What do you think is needed to fulfil the criteria of the romance genre?

Focus is on love story
Happy ending
Soft, calm atmosphere
Lyrical, spiritual theme

Question 9.

Do you prefer a realistic plot or a more imaginative plot?

Question 10.

What is your preferred sub-genre of the romance genre?

Tragic Romance      Historical Romance      Time-Travel Romance

   Romantic Comedy       No sub-genre

Question 11.

How long do you expect a trailer for a romance film to be?

40 seconds - 1 minute        1-3 Minutes           3 - 5 Minutes      5 Minutes +

This will give us an indication of how long we should make our trailer.

Question 12.

Do you prefer narrative or words to describe the film?

Narrative       Words        Both  

This will indicate how we should narrate our trailer.

Question 13.

What do you think would be a good location for a romance film?

City      Country      Exotic Country      Forest        It doesn't matter      

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