Wednesday 21 December 2011


In Todorov’s terms the narrative is structured as follows:

  1. a state of equilibrium at the outset
  2. a disruption of the equilibrium by some action
  3. a recognition that there has been a disruption
  4. an attempt to repair the disruption
  5. a reinstatement of the equilibrium

Thesis > Antithesis > Synthesis

Plot -->
Our audience research revealed that our plot needs to be realistic and believable. It also needs to be strong and keep the audience interested.

  • It’s Christmas time, and newly weds Alice and Alex are celebrating their first Christmas together in their new home.
  • Alice enjoys designing dresses and Alex wants to send them away for professional dress designs, but Alice stops him, saying she’s not good enough.
  • On the 28th December, Alex is killed in a car crash.
  • After Alex's funeral Alice receives an answer phone message for Alex and she can't bring herself to listen.
  • Alice spends a lot of time unhappy, her friends try to help but she just wants Alex. She still won't listen to the answerphone messages which keep coming.
  • One day Katrina comes round and notices the answer machine is still flashing and so presses play. Alice rushes to stop her, but it's too late and she hears. Alex sent off her sketches and a dress making company want to offer her a job.
  • Alice is adamant that she won't go to the interview and stays depressed but one day when looking through her old sketches, she finds the design of her wedding dress, with a post-it saying 'I'll love you until the end x' from Alex, this inspires her to go to the interview.
  • Alice picks herself up and goes to the interview, she is offered a position which she takes. 
  • Alice becomes famous and has her own clothing line, she calls her collect 'Until the end', in memory of Alex, which she reveals in an interview.                                                            

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