Wednesday 21 December 2011

Audience Research

Our film will have a very wide audience and in fact, could appeal to anyone. Romance is such a wide genre it is difficult to pin-point an audience, for the interests of marketing we intend to aim our film at 16 - 35 year old females. The characters used will be in their mid-twenties, so not too far from anyone in our intended audience age range. We will need to do research into our audience so that we know what they want from a film trailer.

The film will have a 12 certificate due to the sensitive themes such as the car accident however the trailer will be a PG. When researching my case study, I have come across the idea that intentionally making a trailer for a film suitable for the PG certificate encourages children to watch films unsuitable for their age. However, we did not intend to put the car crash scene in our trailer anyway, as it would give too much of the plot away so our trailer is not intentionally going to be a PG.

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