Wednesday 21 December 2011

Poster Research

As we are doing a promotional poster for our film, it was important to research similar genres to romance to build our knowledge on what is expected regarding layouts and colours.

This poster is for the film 'The Notebook' which is a well known drama/romance film. Just from a glance the genre is obvious, the intimate image of the couple is a clear indicator that the film is based on their romantic story. The iconic picture is from an intense moment in the film where the happy ending begins. The two actors share the same amount space on the poster, showing they are equal and have an equal part to play.
The layout for this film is quite effective; the main actor's names are contrasted against the background picture, including well known actor's names which will encourage the audience to watch it. The poster also mentions 'From the best selling novel' so it will attract readers of the book to watch the film. There is also a slogan at the very top of the poster, which is bold and would stand out to the audience. 
A typical romance film would be full of nice weather with bright sunshine, however this shows rain which reveals the intensity of the film. It shows it's to be taken seriously. In contrast to the rain however, bright, cheerful colours are used, they are pastel shades which add a sense of calmness.
This is the poster for the romantic film 'Titanic'. It is obvious this is a romantic genre as the two characters are entwined in a loving way. The clouds and hazy effects enhance the romantic aspect by creating a dreamlike state. Again there is a slogan which adds dramatic effect; we will need to consider a slogan for our poster. 'Nothing on earth could come between them.' is written across the characters indicating it is about them and the picture symbolises this quote. The colours of the characters are warm tones, again reflecting feelings of love. This is contrasted against the harsh image of the Titanic ship which is black. The title 'Titanic' is written in the form of ship metal which again contrasts against the dreamy image of the couple.

When studying both of these posters it is noticable that the couples are both embracing with their eyes shut. This is an obvious indicator that it is a romantic film therefore we will need to create a similar effect in ours. The characters are also positioned at the top of the poster with the title underneath. For the Titanic this positioning along with the clouds shows connotations of heaven. Again the Notebook also has sky in the background, however it is dark and stormy. This stormy sky could reflect the difficult times in the couples relationship and the light behind their faces could indicate that there is hope.

love happens Pictures, Images and Photos
To begin with the title of this film is 'Love Happens' which instantly shows the genre is romantic. Again the couple of interest are in a loving embrace with their eyes shut. As all three posters have this in common it is likely that the characters in our project will be photographed in a similar position. The colours are also hazy and dreamlike, with warm tones; this represents the usual warm connotations we associate with love and romance.
The background and green colour of the font implies that this film will be set outdoors, something we need to consider; the relation between our setting location and our colour scheme of our poster.
The layout is similar to the previous posters with the title below the image of the characters. It is also highly contrasted against the plain background. Like the Titanic poster, the actors names are displayed above the characters but in a slightly smaller font than the title. This clearly addresses the audience and the famous actors would be appealing.
In addition there is the use of a slogan, this time it actually refers to the title implying that love happens sometimes when you least expect it. This is possibly more effective than the slogans on the previous posters as it ties with the title and gives a the audience a clear shot at guessing the plot. This is an important factor of the slogan, it needs to give an clue to the story plot.

Overall from doing this research on romantic posters from films already on the market has highlighted some things we need to consider and include in our poster. These include:

  • focus on main love couple in a loving embrace
  • colour scheme to reflect the plot of our story
  • blur the image of the couple
  • have a clear title, most likely under the image of the couple
  • clearly shown names of actors
  • slogan that gives a clue of the plot
  • list of names and producers, not very clear at the bottom of the poster

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