Friday 10 February 2012

Evaluation Question 4

 How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

In the research stage we used a range of different media technologies:

  • We used Youtube to watch romance film trailers
  • We also used Youtube to look at contrasting genre trailers
  • We used Sky+ to watch films, we used this particular TV provider as it was easily accessible and we could rewind to watch specific parts of films
  • We went to the cinema and watch the trailers and previews before the film started
  • We looked at the posters outside the cinema
  • We used the Sanyo Xacti HD cameras to practise shots and find out what would work best.
  • We watched DVD's to learn about the conventions of the romance genre
We used the internet as our main source of research. We round we had most control and freedom with the internet and knew we would have a good outcome at the end.

When we were in the planning stages, we used our smart phones and calendars on our laptops to log what needed to be done and by what date. We also conversed using email and text so that everybody knew the plans and what had been completed.

When in the constructing stage we used Sanyo Xacti HD cameras as we were familiar with them cameras and thought that produced a good outcome. We also used photography lights to lighten the room for filming. As well as these, we used my iMac, with iMovie to watch and edit the clips as we went along. This way we knew what worked and what didn't work while we were constructing it.
We also used iDVD to burn the trailer to disc. 
We used Adobe Fireworks to create both the poster and the magazine cover.

In the evaluation stage we used Survey Monkey for our audience feedback questionnaire, however we found we were more suited to doing this manually, so we would speak to the people giving the feedback about our products. We used Microsoft Word to create our questionnaires and Excel to create the graphs. 

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