Monday 13 February 2012

Audience Feedback Questionnaire

1.What is your gender?
Male      female
This basically allowed us to know the gender of the viewer, and therefore how this may have effected the results overall.

2.   What age range do you fall into?

Under 14              14-18              19-25            26-35          36+

As you can see there were no under 14's asked, we did not purposely not ask anyone of this age range, however we feel people of this age would not fully understand the film. Our main age range of candidates who replied to the questionnaire were between 14 to 35, this is perfect as we planned for our target audience to be between 16 to 35, so their opinions on our media products are most important to us. We added age ranges out of our targeted demographics as we also wanted to know opinions of a wider age range.

3. With 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest, how well do you think our trailer fitted the romance genre?
1       2        3      4       5

The fundamental conventions of a romance are for the film to be based around feelings of love, often based around a couple, and for there to be a happy ending.  This question not only lets us know whether our film has met these conventions but also indicates people’s opinion on whether our film is successful or not. The majority of people answered 4 or 5, showing us that we have successfully made out trailer fit into a romance genre. Two people answered 3 which is disappointing and shows us that there’s certainly room for improvement. Bearing this in mind we asked in the final question what improvements could be made.

4. How well do you think our poster fitted the romance genre?
1       2         3        4      5
This question is of the same format and the question before, however asking about our poster. We asked this to know the audience's opinion on the poster. The majority of the audience answered with a 4, which indicates that although the conventions weren’t noticeable the best they could have been, they were still strongly recognised by the viewers. 2 people answered 5, which shows that we have made the conventions successfully noticeable. However, one person has answered with a 2 which shows there is room for improvement.

5. How well do you think our magazine cover fitted the romance genre?
1        2        3      4     5

Again, this question is set out the same as the past two, but asking about the magazine cover rather than our other media products. From the results we found there could be much room for improvement, however due to the fact there were no examples of other romance magazine covers to work from, we found this particular task hard. When creating the magazine cover we tried to follow the conventions of a basic magazine cover that would appeal to women, and basic conventions of a romance film. We also deconstructed other magazine covers of different genres to get an idea of how our magazine cover should work.

6. On a scale of 1 to 5 how much did our media products as a whole make you want to watch the film?
1      2       3       4       5

By asking this question it allows us to see if our media products was successful in engaging the audience’s attention. Our whole project is based around the plot. What is the point of the film if you don’t like the storyline? From this feedback we can see out media products worked well as the majority of our feedback were 4s and 5s.
7. How would you rate the camera work?

1        2      3    4      5

Camera work was one of the main ways we could get across the emotions of the characters within the media products. After having experience using the cameras when doing out AS coursework, we we quite confident when using the cameras and when choosing the angles to use. This feedback clearly shows that our camera work is good, 4’s and 5’s show that it is better than average even.

8. How would you rate the film overall?
1       2      3      4      5
Having a majority of 5 is an excellent result, although there is room for improvement due to the lowest result of 3, their rating of the overall film may have been due to personal preference. The results of this question show that we targeted the right audience.

9.How would you rate the choice of setting?

1      2      3       4       5

The setting is a restriction we have, we can do it anywhere, but practically, it can only be within the Peterborough area. However the graph shows that our choice of setting was good. Some people think it could be better, but no one thought it was below satisfactory.
10. Is there anything else you would improve on any of our media products?

This is an open ended question because we wanted individual people’s opinions.

Some answers given are:
'better setting'
'less sad plot..made me upset'
'Include George in the magazine'
'Make the plot more obvious in the trailer'

Other than these we were told there was nothing we could improve on. This is helpful feedback. It's clear there were a few things that could have been improved, however a high percentage of people were happy with our media products as they were.

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