Thursday 19 January 2012

Romance Magazine Covers

This is a very striking magazine cover which reflects the atmosphere that is created throughout the film. There is a strong image of one of the main characters, it is important to note that the actor is in character. The dark background reflects the dark themes of the film and also contrasts with the character's pale skin.

There is a bold heading, which reads 'Empire', the magazine name. The lettering is clear and is coloured red which again contrasts with the background. There is also a subheading at the bottom which says 'Twilight: New Moon'; this is also bold, and coloured bright yellow which contrasts with the background also. There are a number of other sub-headings advertising different segments. All of the headings revolve around the picture of the character, that is the focal point. A number of necessities are also advertised, such as: the price, free things, barcode, but they are much smaller and the focus remains on the 'Twilight' segments.

Again, this magazine cover, follows the theme of the film which is gothic romance. The background is dark, showing a dark scene from the film. The focal point is the two main characters, everything else, like adverts, revolve around this. The two main characters cover the main heading slightly, showing that they are the most important feature. They are also looking at each other, showing there is a relationship between them. The title is large and bold, it is also white which contrasts with the dark background. There is a colour scheme of blacks, greys, white and yellow; this creates consistency and looks more official. 

This cover of 'Total Film' shows the main character of 'Avatar'. The character is making eye contact with the viewer, making it more intense and appealing to the audience. Again the character fills the cover, with part of him covering the title, showing the character is most important. The background of the cover follows the blue colour scheme and appears to be a scene from the world that the character is from. 
All of the other adverts and features of the magazine cover are situated around the character, stressing the importance of the character.

All of these magazine covers advertise one main film and everything else is smaller and appears to be less important. The main character is the main feature, with everything else such as price, barcode and adverts for other segments are situated around the character.

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