Thursday 19 January 2012

Camera Angles

Moving in scene:
     Alice and George are carrying boxes into our new house. For this we will use a long shot to capture the whole house and our movement. This will allow the audience to know the setting of the film and an understanding of the plot.

Kitchen scene:
     Couple cooking a meal in their new house, just general chit-chat and romantic gestures whilst cooking. We will film this using a mid-shot as it will only be focused on a certain part of the kitchen and will allow the audience to fully focus on the movement and relationship between the characters.

Sofa/film scene:
     Couple watching a film cuddled on the sofa. We decided to use several shots and angles for this scene to enhance the romantic connection between the couple. Firstly we will use an establishing shot from behind the characters to acknowledge their activity and their surroundings. We will also use mid shots and close-ups to clearly show the audience the expressions and emotions of the characters with each other.

Hand-held, George cam:
     This will use a point-of-view angle and shots from George's perspective. We will film several scenes using this but perhaps won't use all of them. These scenes include filming over my shoulder (over the shoulder shot) of me doing some sketching. This allows the audience to establish the character's hobby and will add understanding of the whole plot. Other scenes we will film will Alice getting ready and her waking up in bed. These are typical day to day activities within a relationship which is why we will use them. The point-of-view shots will give the audience a connection with the main character and will make them feel like they were part of the relationship.

Phone call scene:
     This is when Alice's character receives the phone call that her husband is in hospital; we will use a mid-shot for this scene to clearly show the reaction, emotions and movements of my character.

Hospital scene:
     For this we will use a long shot and a mid shot. A long shot will enable the audience to acknowledge that the scene is set in a hospital and a mid shot of Alice's character's reaction when her husband has died as this will encourage the audience to guess correctly what is happening in the trailer.

Sofa scene:
     This will be set at a friend of the character's house. It will be a combination of several short shots which will represent the passing of a lot of time. For this we will use both mid shots and close-ups to highlight the extreme emotions of my character. In this scene we will also being using a close-up on my character's mobile phone to show the missed calls to the audience.

Sketching scene:
     This scene is basically to show my character sketching and moving on from the death of her husband. For this will will use a high angle and a long shot or mid shot to give the audience a clear view of Alice and to understand what Alice is doing.

Ending scene:
     This will be a very brief scene as to not give too much away. We will use a long shot of Alice's character walking in business clothes to let the audience acknowledge the hopeful ending of our film.

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